Innovation Acceleration  
  The Paradox of Excellence  
  What readers  are saying .  .  .   


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Executives agree, The Paradox of Excellence is a - "must read"!

Bob Riegel, Architect, SE, Principal

The KPA Group

"Talk about a book that applies to all businesses! I was a bit skeptical when I first picked up the book, thinking that ‘The Paradox of Excellence’ probably wouldn’t apply to my business, Architecture. But wow was I wrong. In the course of the following hour, I discovered that yes; we suffer from the same issues. I see now that we need to constantly reinforce our excellent performance with our clients – not just when we market a new client or complete for a specific design opportunity – but continually while we provide services. We pride ourselves in the excellent personalized services we provide our clients...we just need to remind them of how we compare with our competition. We have known for years the value of repeat clients, and generally we have been successful, but with this new understanding, there is no reason why we can't sustain our client relationships for years to come."

Paul Grabowsky, Mortgage Broker

Union Trust Mortgage Services

"There are no simple, smooth transactions in the real estate business. Difficulties always occur. To provide stress-free transactions for clients, real estate professionals usually try to give the appearance of a smooth process when dealing with clients. Since reading the ‘Paradox of Excellence’, I have been experimenting with being more frank with clients - discussing the difficulties and how I’ve resolved them. As a result, I have found client satisfaction with my service has gone way, way up! I’d highly recommend this book to anyone who provides any kind of service to others."

Steve Bertges, Founder 

GB Coach

"Anyone running a services or specialty retail business should take ‘The Paradox of Excellence’ to heart. ‘The Paradox of Excellence’ illustrates the importance of understanding your business through the customer's eyes and reinforces the real costs of failing to match your service with their perception of value. As founder of a company involved in helping customers reach their goals for fitness and wellness, I found ‘The Paradox of Excellence’ very useful in creating customer retention and renewal programs."

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