Innovation Acceleration  
  Talks, seminars, and workshops  
  Attendees speak out  . . .  


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New ideas

Many times, you will hear the same tired concepts presented by speakers. You will not get that with talks about the Paradox of Excellence. The Paradox of Excellence concept is an important NEW idea.

Here is what audience members say about the Paradox of Excellence talks:
     "Informative ideas I had not considered"
     "A topic that is not generally discussed"
     "It introduces a great concept"


Audience members don't want theoretical concepts that are hard to apply to their business, they want practical solutions they can use the moment they leave the talk. This is what we provide. 

Here is what audience members say about the Paradox of Excellence talks:

     "Immediately useful"
     "Simple and concise"
     "Directly applicable to my business"
     "I can put his ideas to work immediately"
     "Very practical"


No one wants to listen to a boring speaker. We always aim to deliver talks that are both fun to give and fun to listen to.

Here is what audience members say about the Paradox of Excellence talks:

     "The development of the story was a great way to draw in the listener into the concept"
     "Great case studies"
     "The 'story' or 'parable' format makes the whole idea more real"

If you are looking for relevant, practical, entertaining speaker for your organization or corporate function, Dave Mosby and Michael Weissman are the answer you are looking for.


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